

I have lived thousands  of years

I\'ve seen the destruction of earth

And the recreation of it

I have watched humanity  while it was sleeping 

I have watched it tear itself apart in the name of religion 

I have seen the world parts of humanity 

I have witnessed  the small beautiful  moments 

While enraptured  in the darkness  they have created 

I watched the small planet dance through  the cosmos

Spinning endlessly  on the axis

While humanity  forgets it existence  underneath their feet

I can only watch while destiny  is shaped 

There is something  to be said about the noise of any metropolis 

Untouched and unspoiled 

While a small doe quietly  cruches through the blanketed snow

The purity and complexity  in something  that seems so simple

Yet is so complicated 

I have hoped for centuries 

Humanity  can come to understand such complexities 

Then evolution  can be achieved

Then and only then 

Can they understand  Her Celestial  Magnificence 
