
Dog talk





……I know you see me standing by this pole, about to pay this toll, you humans need to slow your roll, or should I say role, your ideas aren’t made of gold;



………And don’t get confused with the wag, I don’t want to play pull the rag, when it comes to fetch, I’m the only one who can catch, it’s your reasoning skills I can’t touch;



……Cause I can smell something awful in your chest, and instinct is telling me it ain’t good, your knees are stiff as wood,



…..If I could talk instead of bark, I’d say don’t put smoke into your lungs, but you been reasoning backwards every since y’all fell out of the trees; because of your pollution we can’t even enjoy a good breeze,



……….You hear a burglar and then start hushing, wait for rush hours and then start rushing, do dangerous stunts, then wonder how you got that concussion.