‌ ‌αɱɾιƚα υɳιƈσɾɳ

Remember that day even for a day

Is there no value of their love,

Who sacrificed their all for the nation,

Their sacrifices unheard and unseen,

No motherly love for them,

Who lost their sons for the country,

So many dreams in their eyes,

For the sake of their motherland,

Their essence forgotten and overlooked,

Was the freedom of valiant warriors,

In the blood of young soldiers,

Was it a mere formality,

Where are those emotions now,

In the blood of the youth,

Where are those dedicated soldiers,

Where is that free thought now,

Where are the leaders with integrity,

For the laborers, it\'s just empty promises,

And the government\'s rule is unjust,

Yet hope cannot be abandoned,

Their sacrifices cannot be forgotten,

Not just two or four, but many more,

Those who walk the path of righteousness,

The greenery of this nation\'s fields,

Is nourished by their sacrifice,

This India, this Hindi,

May they be eternally exalted.