
O Light


darkness pulling her blankets up

up, up and domineering

dominating our all


why do you submit ?

O Light

thou art wanted at dawn

climax our freedom

Of press and speech


O yeah

from the rising of the east

to the dying of the coastlands

from the messages we preach

to the workings of the most high

Let the blind see


O the coast that never dries

bonds that never break

and people that never said good bye


light our paths

in tranquility

north and south

fighting disunity


but equilibrium never comes



do come

and let submerging bodies come to rest

an inner hope for tomorrow

inner sight agree with inner thoughts

inner thoughts agree with man’s heart


we be sent to death houses

and a token is given

in name of salvation

saying this is season


so a chaplain visits; one last time

seen by family; one last time

and dying the death; one last time


not knowing our end

on and off like dumsor

they poison our meal

and cry forgive our trespasses, O lord