Alan R

Poetic Injustice


Me and these tempting English letters, we can\'t 

Seem to have enough of each other

Surreal placements, positions

Jaded with predispositions

Pouring through my eyes

Beyond comprehension

Or need, I write about

What I cannot define



I try to cheat, I borrow some languages 

Borrowing the time and the space

Of people capable of thinking

In multiple languages, ways

Their minds, their words

With my insatiable lust

In one, or many forms



Combined biases, my perspectives

With my human limitations

People help me reason 

This meat, sometimes

They don\'t have to 

I know I am bound



To this life, one that\'s short

\"Quit selling me short\"

I say to these lines 

But they run short 

Of me, this body



It\'s capacity, it\'s zeal, time

I have things to say, but

I don\'t do justice to

The things I say



Do you really know?

What I mean is





...And it will end

With my





