
Human Love

Let us empower each other

Through the greatest rose;

The greatest rose of all time

Temptation is a loving face

That turns into grace,

Oh borrow me in this light

For you shall shine also

For human love is a steady race

Full flowers bloom galore

And I shall take your shining face

And kiss it all the while

The world is in need of love; human love

Let the gates open

And shower us with love.

For human love is just as sweet

As a flower adored,

And one great rose

Can open all doors

To a great defining love;

Oh shower me with love, oh human love

May tall buildings surrender,

For all this love I give to you

Is worth a thousand lifetimes

For the greatest star, my humble abode

Is full of human love

And may the greatest star shine upon you

With the greatest rose.