

In life\'s grand experiences, a thread we weave,

Responsibility, the promise we believe.

A calling echoes through each passing day,

Guiding us forward, come what may.


Like roots that anchor a very high tree,

Responsibility grounds us, wild and free.

To nurture the seeds of change we sow,

In every action, our character always grow.


With the rising sun, a serious vow,

To honor duties, now and then.

A guardian of promises, we stand,

Upholding the values, hand in hand.


In the frontal of time, a sacred art,

Responsibility, always within the heart.

To care for others, a honorable quest,

Day to day, we give our best.


Like a student, responsibility crab apple,

Foundation, truly it depends on,

Reading a book, a choice they say,

But responsibility takes the lead.


Through stormy weather and skies so clear,

Responsibility, a constant peer.

A flame that sparkle, resilient and bright,

Truly we struggle to give our best.