

This mountain looks scary,

The wolves are there waiting for anyone who will dare to climb it.

This mountain is tall,

That no one knows what’s beyond the dark forest that we see above.


The forest in the mountain looks dark and unfriendly,

Everyone is afraid to climb and go there.

The thunder and lightning that comes from the mountain are nerve-racking,

All are afraid to go and check what’s behind the mountain.


according on the historical tales,

They said that beyond the mountain was where all riches of this world are hidden

But still no on dared to go and check if that was true,

Everyone is afraid.


Secretly I wanted to go there on the mountain,

But I am afraid to tell everyone they would tell me how crazy I am,

I once told my mum but since she knew how stubborn I am,

She forbade me to entertain such an idea ever again.