Santajah Douglass

Are There Feeling Or Is It Just Messy

Amidst uncertainties, my heart does wonder,

Am I the girl you truly desire, or a mere game to ponder?

Thoughts of you visit my mind once or twice,

But your intentions, they remain a perplexing dice.


I often perceive your actions as playful amusement,

Yet deep within, I find enjoyment, an enticing enticement.

But your advances and motives confuse me so,

I lack the ability to read your mind\'s hidden glow.


Engulfed in an endless war, I seem to lose,

For my greatest fear is forfeiting myself, the one I choose.

These feelings I harbor, inexplicable, yet real,

I cannot control them, they transgress and reveal.


I implore you now, to be honest and true,

Confess your emotions, both unwanted and due.

Grant me the knowledge, so I may retain my sanity,

Am I more than a friend, or an elusive entity?


Release me from the abyss of unanswered pleas,

Let me know my place, put my doubts at ease.

Together, we both deserve an honest confession,

For the truth shall unbind us, freeing our connection.


Why should we wait or tease, why don\'t you Just tell me what it means?

Let the truth set us free, soaring high above.

In this journey we embark upon, let trust be our guide,

And let our hearts decide, casting doubt aside.