Petrichor of Love

The Starry Harmony of Her Beauty

Amidst the stars, she treads the eve,
A dance of stars, her aura weaves.
A blend of dark and radiant light,
Conspiring in her gaze so bright,
A grace that dreams and nights conceive,
In every step, a spell to retrieve.

One nuance more, one gleam the less,
Enhances the unnamed finesse.
Her locks, a cascade, midnight\'s embrace,
A canvas for a moonlit grace.
Expressions pure, thoughts gentle confess,
Sweet serenity in her heart\'s recess.

Upon her cheek, a tranquil hue,
Eloquence whispers, tender and true.
A calm that speaks, yet speaks in rhyme,
A palette of smiles, a subtle climb.
In innocence, love finds its venue,
A haven where emotions accrue.