The Fife Wanderer

70’s Kid

Awaw oot and play oor maw would say, and dinae come back till yer denners ready

After denner it wiz back oot to play, rain, hail or shine we got the game back underway

Street footie wiz oor favourite game, when the street lights came on it wiz time to go hame

Kerby gave us plenty of fun, until a car came along and made ye run

Catching bees in auld jam jars, that wiz bad, rolling them doon the hill that made them mad

Pitch and toss wiz played fir coppers, races aroond the block on oor choppers

Cash fae juice bottles got us oor sweets, the freedom we had to run aboot the streets

plundering aipples fae the neighbours tree, thank god oor childhood was technology free

There wasnae any smartphones back in oor day, just a bunch o street kids that aw went oot to play