
Fear Tactics

The call came in, a demand from the station

To come down and discuss, a matter of importance

But no details were given, just an ominous request

To appear without reason, to face the unknown test


I felt a shiver, a sense of unease

Why would they summon me, if not to appease

Their own suspicions, their own hidden agenda

I knew I had to be cautious, I couldn\'t surrender


I called them back, demanded some clarity

But all I got was threats, a show of authority

They warned of sirens blaring, of a public display

A tactic to intimidate, to force me to obey


I stood my ground, I refused to comply

I knew my rights, I wouldn\'t be swayed by their lie

I informed them of my lawyer, of my right to representation

They hesitated, backpedaling from their intimidation


Finally, the truth emerged, a simple summons to court

Nothing criminal, just a formality of sorts

Yet the taste of their tactics, the fear they tried to induce

Left a bitter aftertaste, a distrust of their abuse


So I urge you, be wary, when the police come knocking

Don\'t be swayed by their tactics, don\'t be cowed by their talking

Stand up for your rights, demand the truth be revealed

And never face the unknown, until all is unsealed. (\"Fear Tactics\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.