Email Gmail

Email, Gmail, there given me the shits. 


I am convinced the whole things from the pit. 


I really don\'t find to much joy 


Except the obvious, of course 


Of which I am employed. 


All this webb has nothing I need but forces me in..


It\'s hard to succeed. 


Nothing is obvious for a fool like me 


And my eyes get dim and it\'s hard to see. 


Where is the send button?


Where does it hide?


I think that are hoping I will lose my mind.


Why is forwarding this Gmail so bloody hard!


I\'ve been trying for days


Would be quicker to get in the car.


Make an appointment to see this engineer bloke


Vent my frustration...


He\'d think me a joke.


But that\'s how it was back in the day


You would write a letter and sent it on its way. 


Or arrange a meeting face to face 


This internet age has changed the place. 


Now I waste time filling out forms, 


\"Fill out our survey.\"


Has become the norm.


Want to talk to these pricks?


Sit on the phone for hours. 


\"But our app does the trick!\"


I am sick and tired of playing their games. 


Without them am I screwed?


The whole systems in vain.