
Our Bombed Seas (about the Red Sea attacks) (to the rhythm of \"Beyond the Sea\" by Bobby Darin)

Jump scares are bombed seas,

Jump scares baiting the free,

Their covers slam the broken sands,

With botches their chits that go failin’,


Jump scares our bombed seas,

They’re there blotching the breeze,

Cliffs wonder why, why they should die?

When faith’s blue erred scars,

They’d go failin’,


Hits mar; prolong the bar,

Kids fear, abscond the zoom,

High-low, a wrong-ed drought,

All hearts, will bleed us there soon,


They’ll beat belong-ed floor,

Won’t miss they all must score,

Warry they’ll be, bombing those seas,

Sands never again, they are flaming,


High-low, a wrong-ed drought, AHHH!

All hearts, will bleed us there soon,

They’ll beat (defo, they’ll beat) belong-ed floor,

Won’t miss they all must score,

Warry they’ll be, bombing those seas,

Sands never again, they are flaming,


No more mailing,

Snow wrong hailing,

Die die bailing.