
I had a nightmare

I had a nightmare

That I was on a plane in the beautiful sky

The wind blowing across my face, whipping my hair

And I actually felt at peace as I closed my eyes

The rising sun warming my eyelids

My heart racing as I smile

The turbines reverberating in their perfect, clashing tune, amidst

All the smoky clouds in their smoky style

Looking down at lands of green

My head finally clear

I no longer shed tears

And I was perfectly at peace

There was no burden on my shoulders

No more pushing at immoveable boulders

And on that plane so, so high up

A thought came to mind

What would happen if I stepped off?

Then what would I find?

I shuffled my feet precariously on the edge

Looked up, down, took some breaths

\'Don\'t panic\' the whistling wind whispered

So I thought of all the things that made me feel withered

And stepped off to my free fall

Oh and free it was, almost like I could fly

The wind biting and numbing, carrying me down

Down, down, down from the beautiful sky

Green lands coming closer, and closer

Until I hit it and fell into another sleep

Dreaming within a dream

Until I woke up to a land, not of green

But of reds, blues, and yellows

The golden leaves from trees that fall

Protected by the embrace of willows

No anger, sadness, or structureless walls

And for a second, I was happy

Really, truly happy

Till I woke sweating and cold

To go on in the same real painful world

Wishing I could go back to those fields

I had a nightmare

Where I was in a beautiful place, at peace

Where everything was lovely and fair

Where I stepped of that edge and fell

Who knew that\'d it feel so good?

I had a nightmare that actually wasn\'t bad

Where I didn\'t feel so sad

I had a nightmare that I died

And everything was just fine