sonal monhyung

As a fan

As a fan of your 

I have spend my days and night:

Without counting how long it has 

And making my every moment delight.


I remember the first day 

I read your story online;

And watched your shorts and videos,

On the day I cried or smile .


For the people you are a idol

But, I don\'t know when 

You became a intergal part of my life 

And I start staying with you all time .


But the time fly by  so fast ;

At the moment it is now you say goodbye:

Only for some years or more 

But it becomes hard for me to live.


I got best of all the feelings now 

By remembering you old memories 

And your smile or

when you cried at backside.


As a fan of your 

I have made new dreams :

Irrespective of where am I ? 

Or the condition I\'m being in .


I know there are so many 

Like me your fans :

But, do I need to remind myself ?

Idols are also part of someone\'s life.


Normal thing people wish to God 

A happy family or well establish property;

But may I demand this to god ?

To stay always in our fandom family.


I know it is strange you\'ll think!

Cause you haven\'t felt what I have been:

As long as a I was just day dreamer

And counting for the times I scream .


But it open new ways for me

To become a dreamer

And count for the times , I achieve 

In my own life full of big dreams .


Now I always want to stay 

As a fan of my favourite group

Whether they\'ll change or disband

But me always in this cheerful dream .


Time will change or maybe i 

Or someday I\'ll lost this grace ,

 But now as a young child I want 

To save all the memories as a fan .