St Michael

VYSHYVANKA’s AROMA by Abdelilah Bouasria

A knock pounded my door, and I unlocked its knob

Unaware that I had summoned Patience and Job,


When fate’s bee honeyed its burning tale

Our mute eyes chattered a word in God’s trail,


Once upon a shoulder, your gaze queried: “Are you the one?”

My granting head bowed to an aromatic scent on the Run,


Winning a Yea despite Nay\'s vitality

Head-nods, Mid-way, shaking a carnality,


A Ram’s pit initiated our Vodka’s tab dance

Cossack’s armor blocking Craby’s tipsy glance,


Her dervish greeted my swirling chance

Inter Tak et Ni, whirling my rugged trance,


My minstrel opened the gate, laying a mind to rest

Trusting Golden Fairie won’t reason-block its quest,


“Cast your I” I barked, hoping fears would vanish

My naked eye baptizing her Word of parish,


Yet your Moon, blinded by the sway, kicked my Pendulum

Due for a suitable yield once mists clear your Speculum,


Amen if Almighty’s decree, named, in Akashia, this Legato

And if denial is his command, your Mezzo becomes Staccato!


My hallowed olive tree points neither East nor West

Why does your Roman capital bolt me like a pest?


Old Soul, what are wishes if not a gamble for the trusting monk?

My prayer rug is, flesh and Soul, a liturgy for the drunk,


Imbibe with me in the puzzled reunion and ignite!

Jersey’s Moonshines disrobing insomnia for the night,


O judge who reproaches my restless passion dripping awake

Do Justice to an enjoyable prairie that can still ache!


In the Tunnel of Love where disciples weave

A Summertime angel pinned my heart’s reprieve,


Pax Romana surfed in my Golden Dawn as daylight glowed in thy moon

Will we star in this interplay of seasons with a springing spoon?


Our shadows might tap to the tune of a sacred reunion

Thy Sunflower’s tavern hosting while crown nods communion,


Mary’s shimmering grace blew a gentle breeze

Its candle’s wit goose-bumping me to the knees,


My neck surrendered to her branding teeth

But her mark deserted the taste of my Meath,


“Run!” I said to the flashes roasting my dire winters

As Snow pauses in my head, I’ll host their whispers,


O Lullabies purring gypsy specters in Carpathian heights

Why this fear despite sanctified rosaries and supplicated rites?


Didn’t God answer Moses through Water and Fire?

Isn’t Bach playing St. Matthew’s passion from a Choir?


You are Moisey, and he broke my tablet

O Tempered Clavier, did I fix your chaplet?


Let the pen nail its pad and, in the tender stroke, seek the Word!

My ink unveiling dusk as your calligraphy enhances the blurred,


In tides when high vigor heated my summer’s heat

Your claws scratched that joint in a heartbeat,


Now that warmth migrated to your low tide

Can your dazzling eyes shine in my pride?


If Apple has forbiddingly grown these passing days

Doesn’t that imply that its splits realized their ways?


Moonshine’s Fifty shades are pure echo

Isn’t thy mind to my heart sticker to deco?


If Night and days are opposites, let them gracefully attract!

If Siamese twins, port them to their original pact!


Our mighty Dance swings with halt and move

As Vyshyvanka’s aroma covers only to prove,


That seekers will take many wanderings to find a way

Entailing Flames and Rain in a celestial embrace of clay,


Degraded mud is my seed, but I carry a divine breath

I am a mystical A and my second thought hails a Beth,


Let it be known to devotees that I mean her talisman no harm

Out of a troubadour’s respect for a Flame n’ her clever charm,


I dreamt, once, of a white crest crowning my head

A coral necklace, a blushful dress,

As the nightingale, in yellow realms, fled

Majestically puffing Morena’s bless,


O Sun I’ll take your rainbow’s drops if you grant me heat

Aren’t clouds shaping these plants below your feet?


My snake has been hissing to Gaia its Enochian Mystery

Gently deciphering it as Christmas grants my magery,


Yet your Rhomb with two pyramids is still waiving utility

As my awakening resting dot signals an insured prosperity,


Is your insurance about collaterals, claims, deductibles, and blinders?

Can it be across grace periods, comprehensives, surrenders and riders?


I fall uninsured as my nuptials surrendered to their scribe

My clear-sighted chest, moistening the heated bribe,


My Snowball tree reflects your bush among cherries

As Ave Maria anoints us all, doves or Aeries,


My Astral door sparkles seven skies, your star eight rays

Why involve one path when the odds show them fifteen ways?


When our bodies were grapes, we used to ask: “what\'s the matter?”

Now our Chevron is Spirit, we’ll reply: “It was truly a Flatter,”


Hear me OUT, Muse, with your odds, not your evens as you once did

Wear me IN with your gods, not your Levens, and settle for the bid!


Mother will break the shackles of her awaited King

Her Grail, Sin fight, will freely master the Ring!


Be the Grail, Be the Mary!

I am Tom, are you Jerry?


Your Serif caressed me. I fragranced its calligraphy

Her Nawa fastened me. It became my epigraphy,


My fingers whirl their beads in circles

Wishing yours made Arthur hum purples,


Only then, our raw bread of the nod will clear thorns

As the Sun bakes my Korovai with twisting horns,


“I am the Crab, and you are the Ram,” said an Astrologer

Flipping mirror’s imagery, spelled by a Chronologer,


Forgive a hasty lamb predestined to reason after the fact

As I grasp the crab that, with a backed heart, does attract,


If speed is my curse let your brake be my temper!

If greed is my reign let your bake be my kemper!


I stopped looking for my keys and discarded clothes

I abandoned hooking her tease for Eve’s winds and blows,


“It has never been a dance of floors,” murmurs the burning candle

“The Obelisk has already opened thy doors,” spins the tinkling bangle,


“Come, come whoever you are!” whirled the Dervish

“Even if you have broken your vows” chuded the Starfish,


My Theurgy faces Maniava’s Gateway, while I Pray

Titus replies until a Molfar, gently, whisks my Play,


Inside a domed shrine, my Kupala meets her John

Matthew once shouldered Mark, boosting his Ron,


I hear the moaning gales coming, stubbornly, my way

My blaze embracing your oceans in market’s hay,


Discount your coin’s echo along idols in my temple!

Hear its Venusian Vibe and renounce their Mental!


Drop texts performed in the carnival of priests!

Bathe in their “BE/hive” when men shadowed beasts!


I invoke Hathor, the Eye of RA as I do Shiva, Vibe of OM

I squeeze my Aleph, drink her Breast, and seldom wail their Yom,


I am a nomad in search of an upright tent and a caravan

A gypsy auguring her bowl while fire heats an Avestan,


I heard a bang on the door, and I welcomed its throb

Ignoring that I have summoned both Time and fob,


I asked “Princess Mary” about the Hero of her time

It wasn’t a Happy Nine to Five but just about a dime,


She described how a father once set her free

And one sunset I remembered to bed his tree,


Supplying the gourmet palate of my Sommelier

Rolling the altering tongues of her Cuirassier,


I can ask every dawn to fire my night and it will obey!

Foolish if I see that yearly carriage as my neigh,


My bend fits, like a charging bull, into her Yoni

Alarmed that my fading clouds decant baloney,


As shadows echo jointly in my imaginal world

Or, inshallah, if they clear, keeping \'er toes curled!


I am an Adam cooking his Eve’s role-play

Her tummy savoring ribs by the alms’ tray,


Will my crystals linger in captivity?

Will their star breed in nativity?


While time exposes my cookery, I have no time for time

As my notes dove to chant, with birds, their rhyme,


That passion that kindled Pushkin’s heart may not trouble thee

As I auctioned my core while you classily altered honey into ghee.