
America love her or leave her




……..American history is so real it’s hard to digest, built on top of the Natives bones like general Zod would suggest, on the backs of slaves and the oppressed, confusion where to draw lines and who to address, distortion of biblical facts, made it easy to keep Blacks kept, and justifying their blank checks; but righteousness is powerful and penetrating, overtime it’s effects are draining, leaves an oppressor explaining, why he isn’t evil and keeping the world medieval, even tried to take credit for the slaves upheavals, by opening doors they was about to break into pieces, their constitutional thesis was feces, overtime we help civilize each other, although dysfunctional we come from the same mother, so lift that American flag and don’t let it drag, other countries will start foaming at the mouth if they see our liberties sag, protest, but stop the smash and grab, it’s something bigger we’re trying to nab.