
A broken heart

I thought your love was there to stay

But you thrashed my hopes and dreams today

You were so aloof when bidding good-bye

That I could not resist the urge to cry


I brought a ring – a cute little thing

But you back at me, my present did fling

My surprise and sorrow did not touch you

I wondered whether it really was true.


Boy buys ring, girl throws it away

The same old story repeated everyday

But I never knew it would happen to me

That you would not listen to my urgent plea.


Girl leaves a boy, and secures another

Why, sometimes, she chooses his very own brother

But I never though you’d fall at the feet

Of a low vagabond of the street


And now I hear the staggering news

That you are off on a merry cruise

With a charming play boy whom you wed

When, you, no, to the others, had said


A flirt you are – that I do know

I know you appeal to every Joe

To every Tom, every Dick, and Harry

Though it’s a Jack, whom you did marry


My friends urged me to wish you the best

And laughed heartily at their jest

But how can I, with my only treasure part

Since all I have got is a broken heart.