
The Eternal Locker

The bell rings

My lockers large, I sit snug inside

The Walls are steel, cold but pad my mind

Outside there\'s a cacophony of noise

Slutty girls, Bully Boys

In here it\'s pitch black, but I like the light

Outside is my darkness, my anxiety

The final Bell tolls, like a grandfather clock

I force myself out, feels like I\'m watching my daughter board the Titanic and leave the dock

The corridors are dim

As I lumber through, lockers slam

I wish I was back in

I enter the classroom, it\'s large, attendance sparce

I take a seat at the front, unexpected?

The safety of the neglected

Tutor enters the room, a reliever, deceiver of the past

I slump into my chair, wishing I was at the rear

Embarrassed by the unwanted affair

He pouts his lips like he\'s about to suck a straw

Giving the impression he wants more

I tremble in silence

Wishing I was in Southampton on that dock\'

Davey Jones locker

Bliss Bliss Bliss