
never ending symphony

Love, Wind, Rain, Loneliness, Suicidal Death,
These feelings are like a symphony, playing in my head.
Each note a different feeling, all coming together to make their own song.
It\'s a symphony of emotions, that I hear all day long.

Love, wind, and rain, a constant beat that never tires,
Loneliness, a sound that never fades, it\'s in my soul every waking hour.
Suicidal death, a melody that whispers in my ear,
Telling me that it\'s time, it\'s time to disappear.

But I won\'t give in, to this dark symphony of emotions,
I\'ll fight to live, to love, to be a part of this world\'s motions.
I\'ll dance to the beat of love, and let the wind blow my hair,
I\'ll walk through the rain, and let it wash away my cares.

Loneliness, I\'ll turn to my hobbies and my books,
I\'ll read of great heroes and let their courage inspire my heart to fight on.
Suicidal death, I\'ll turn to my family and my friends,
I\'ll tell them I love them, and I\'ll tell them there\'s no end.

Love, wind, and rain, a symphony forever playing,
But I won\'t let it control me, I\'ll dance and let the rhythm sway.
For life is a gift, it\'s a treasure to be found,
And I\'m not ready to give it up, not yet.