
How Lovely True Love Would Be

How lovely, true love would be, my dear,
A bond that\'s pure, unyielding, and sincere.
Two souls entwined, a flame that never dies,
In each other\'s arms, where passion lies.

With whispered words and gentle, tender touch,
A love that\'s deep, a love that means so much.
Through stormy seas and darkest nights we\'d sail,
Together, hand in hand, we\'d never fail.

No distance too far, no obstacle too great,
For true love conquers all, it\'s our fate.
In laughter and in tears, we\'d find our way,
Forever by each other\'s side we\'d stay.

Oh, how lovely, true love would be, my dear,
A treasure worth more than all riches near.
In this short life, let\'s strive to make it true,
For there\'s nothing more beautiful than me and you.