Alan R

Sunset Sombre

I thought it will be always about 
Watching sunsets with you
But today I watched the sunset
Summon you, trading places in the city 
Oranges, pinks, through the blues
Made a secret little deal with you
A prelude to what\'s about to start 
For you to come beautifully alive
In my tired eyes, like a new life

I don\'t want to have anymore
Poetry left in me for this lore
If I write, that will inevitably be
In many ways, a challenge 
That the universe accepts and
Outperforms it\'s own magic
A stronger spell, cast around me 
Stunning colors that don\'t want to stay 
But pierce through me, all the way

And I become the bleed-through 
Of their saturating, dying thirst
Because you have to leave again
How many more \'agains\', dear heart?
You see how this magic abruptly leaves?
Blue monologues, pink sunsets, green eyes
All these colors, are making me blind
In the picture, I took, the hues that shift 
Of the sunset, I am trying to reason with.
