

Anxiety is the loudest companion I have ever had
some days it taunts me innocently
a little push
there are days I can isolate myself from the panic
days it is just a brush
of fingertips against skin

Today, anxiety has me grasped by the throat
fingertips became talons, piercing flesh
stilettos stamping on my heart
my grief drips
into puddles
the water runs
from my eyes, into hair
and this floor feels like the only thing left
I can count on for support

These are the days
I don’t know what to do with my hands
the days I cannot find myself in reflections
these are the days
I feel the most replaceable

I worry I will never be free of it
perhaps the anxiety finds comfort in me

The little pushes
throw me down skyscrapers
and suddenly
the floor doesn’t feel much like support anymore.