
Imperfect america

Oh Imperfect America, children can’t sleep in peace without worrying about getting shot, minorities can’t walk in the streets without worrying about getting shot.



 Oh Imperfect America, failing to see how you fail our children time and time again by telling them violence isn’t the answer just to send them out in a world unprepared for the violence spreading everywhere like a fire.




Oh Imperfect America giving our nation two tons of metal mass and firearms and free will with them and then penalizing them when bang! Someone is dead and those around go crying “heavy metal\", y’all would care about that, wouldn’t you?




Oh Imperfect America men and women are endangered everywhere and every day and you say it was because of the knee high skirt she was wearing Or the fact that he was just there.



Oh Imperfect America you criminalize the mentally ill and instead of help they are treated like freaks and are portrayed as unsafe. 




Oh Imperfect America, we are endangered everyday, at the hands of you, all because you give instead of freedom and liberty, you give danger to those who least deserve it and hate to those who can most exercise it.