Alan R

Lost & Found

...And maybe, now you know

Better, As you speak

To yourself, more and more


It\'s the moral, necessary

Errand of the broken

To fix the world


Ironically so, 

As they have been to places 

Not many of us know


But will they, won\'t they?

Rise up to themselves first?

Embrace the life\'s force again


To rejuvenate their nerves

A call of duty, to Cry 

And heal from the slow grief


Showing up every day

For the greater good

Whatever that will be to them


They\'ll find it, as they should 

The true leaders are, The healed

Becoming one with the shield 


Survivors, from the wrath 

Warriors, for the true path

Bravest of the cards...


...That the times have dealt

Their broken self, turned 

Into an Unbreakable Stealth.

