Chanel T.

Frosted Thrills

Frosted Thrills 
 I remember the cold breeze resting on my cheeks. I remember giggling and smiling so broadly by you and your warming presence. I remember “accidentally” bumping into your masculine structure through out the night. 

I remember feeling peace and calmness around you. You’re so kind, sweet, caring, and gently spoken around me. I admire every word and tone that comes out of your mouth. You truly do intrigue me. 

I have never met a man that can make me feel so care free and loved…..flowing with every glance of you. My eyes dilate at the thought of you. The beginning of a story I would love to create with you. If you let me. 

Unwritten stories and unwritten love languages submerge me when I’m not around you. I just want to be near you….I want our bodies to collide like a rocket ship to the open sky. I want to taste your lips on mine…..I want it all. Every aspect of you. How lovely……to imagine these thoughts of you. 

What a wonderful man you are…..the night you held me….I could feel my heart beating through your chest…..what a wonderful night that was….as we allowed the shadows of the night to carry us away. How I wish you would’ve lifted my chin and pressed your lips upon mine….what a lovely thought that lingers on my mind…..of you. 

How lovely of a man you are. Thats what I remember…..of you…as the frosted thrills settled in my stomach.