Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Labeling the Truth

When truth speaks
You branded me as \"racist.\"

when I speak the truth.
You called me \"far-right.\"

when I highlight your crimes.
You named me \"white supremacist.\"

When I hold my flag
You called me a \"patriot.\"

When I fight terrorism
You branded me as a \"nationalist.\"
We should fight to ban terms such as \"far-right,\" \"racist,\" and \"supremacist.\"
These barbarian, uncivilized, savaged Muslims, Africans, aliens, allies, and immigration communities are humiliating us with these terms for revealing the truth about their crimes and terrorism in our society. Deport them now for the greater good.
Go vegan! Maha Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan