
I don\'t know what do!

\"I don\'t know\" I tell him

But he doesn\'t believe me

 \"I love you\" I say

But he thinks its all a game

I like him, but I like you

Would you know what to do

What to do in my position

I don\'t... I don\'t know what to do

Do y-y-y-you

I have tears rolling down my face

You have music blasting in your  case

I cry in bed... Cry myself to sleep

You don\'t care now do you

I still fucking love you baby

But you don\'t respond


No way 

I\'m still...... I still can\'t do this

I don\'t know what to do

I lost the boyfriend I had.
He made me very sad
I could\'n get mad.

He made me love he so much.
I still feel his touch.
Running down my back
Something that he lacks.

I figured out I can\'t live without him.
His soul completes me.
But I have to accept thee

But does he complete me
I don\'t know what to do
I loss him because of a girl.
She really makes me hurl.
She is the type I hate
The one you can not break.

He made me so lonely
He was just a phony.
But in my heart I still like him
Even though he did me wrong.
I don\'t know what to do
I hate to cry right now,
But its bad to cry over a man
Which I don\'t really understand
Because he wasn\'t a real man

Which I am saying that he wasn\'t strong
To stay with me that long.
He listened to his friends
Instead of what he felt inside

So he is no longer here
And no longer there
Lets just say he is not anywhere
In my world even though I still love him.