
Same Ember

In the tapestry of life, the threads of joy and sorrow intertwine,

Creating a beautiful mosaic of memories, both bitter and divine.

A list of things we want to forget, a list of things to remember,

But they are not separate, they are two sides of the same ember.


The sound of rain against the window, a melancholy melody,

But it teaches us to appreciate the sunshine and its revelry.

The taste of bitter coffee in the morning, a reminder of days gone by,

But it guides us to savor the sweetness that life can supply.


The weight of regret in our chests, a burden we cannot shake,

But it shows us the importance of the choices we make.

The warmth of a hug on a cold day, a balm for our weary soul,

A gentle reminder that love can make us feel whole.


The sound of laughter in a crowded room, a symphony of glee,

A beacon of hope in a world that can sometimes disagree.

The feeling of hope amidst the darkness, a light in the night,

A reminder that even in the depths, there\'s still a chance to take flight.


These intertwined lists, a reflection of our human condition,

Reminding us that joy and sorrow are part of our life\'s rendition.

So let\'s not try to forget or remember, let\'s embrace it all,

For it\'s in the unity of these moments that we truly stand tall.


Let\'s fold up these lists and tuck them away with care,

For they are the fabric of who we are, the essence we bear.

The lessons learned from both joy and pain, they\'re intertwined forever,

And it\'s in this beautiful tapestry that we find our strength and endeavor. (\"Same Ember\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.