
Whispers of Memory

In the fading twilight, you slipped away,
A shadow dissolving into the gray. 
Your hand, once warm, now slipped away,
A phantom warmth in empty air.
My voice, a broken, silent spray,
Lost in the wind, unanswered prayer.

The world outside blurred, a watery haze,
Each drop a testament to love’s cruel maze.
Regret etched in the lines of my face,
As time unraveled, leaving an empty space.

The stars above witnessed our silent goodbye,
Their distant light mocking my tear-streaked eye.
I reached for you, but you were already gone,
Leaving me with echoes and a love withdrawn.

But though the tears may paint the scene,
And sorrow drapes its heavy cloak,
I\'ll hold the memory, evergreen,
A whispered echo, hope awoke.