Your Girlfriend


Have you ever danced to a point where you fell?

Fell, but got right back up?

That\'s life we fall

But we get up

We always do something to the point where we fall

But don\'t lose hope you can do it

Just believe in yourself first

We\'re just going for a spin first

Trying out new things 

Stuff will bring us down, but just get back up

Just remember this your parents will always be your biggest fans

Bigger than you friends, cousins, wife/husband, boyfriend/girlfriend

They will be there to pick up the pieces and put them together again

When you fail they fail

When your hurt

their hurt

when you are bright and happy again

They\'ve done their job

Don\'t let others bring you down

Only you can do that.

So go ahead and write your next journey through life 

see where it takes you and see what makes you happy not others, but you

Because you can\'t please everyone. 

Just yourself


*If you feel as if you\'re not good for this world. Go look in a mirror. Look how beautiful you are. Don\'t you dare say your ugly. We are pretty/ handsom just the way we are!*