
I forgive

Dear you

You are always trying to reach your full potential, but for whom?

You are always striving to be your best self

Even if that means neglecting authentic parts of yourself


You have taught yourself to be perfectionistic

It\'s who you are when you hold standards that are unrealistic

Why be so hard on yourself and for who?

Is it because you like it or because you don\'t know what else to do?


Look at where you are in this moment

You are probably your own opponent

Everyone else is enjoying their time as a child

While you are sitting here, making life in your head more compiled


Your biggest dream is to feel confident and free

So why act like you don\'t know how to be

Your own criticism takes the best of you

Is it all necessary to blame yourself for doing few


If you only knew

How life would feel when you were the true you

I would grant you that feeling

It\'s a journey to self-healing


Dear you

You are always trying to reach your full potential, but for whom?

You are always striving to be your best self

Even if that means neglecting authentic parts of yourself


I feel angry towards you

While I know it\'s not fair or the right thing to do

But I wish we would have embraced ourselves sooner

I wouldn\'t change a thing, but to live life with more humor.


Even though you make my life more difficult than it needs to be

I forgive you for everything—the whole picture you couldn\'t see

I\'m sorry for showing expressions of disgust

I should have started making trust in the process a must


If I could take back my ugly words, I would do it

Because I can see how it wasn\'t to your benefit

You did everything because you wanted to impress

You made it, but it has given you lots of stress


I now want you to feel very loved

Despite everything, you have never been unloved

I am here for you now

Accept my trust and allow


Dear you

You are always trying to reach your full potential, but for whom?

It\'s okay to strive to be your best self

But not if that means neglecting authentic parts of yourself