
The Box

The Box

It sits on a shelf to the left  in a corner … everybody wonders and every one has seen it in passing ….it’s color is black ….but once red as a rose pedal the color of love … sits and waits to be touched ,to be open but nobody wonders and everyone has seen it …,

Made of glass precious clay ….carefully crafted and molded…. it sits in that corner no shine just Mat a little heart box that just sat ….some get curious and open it up just to see what is made of and  if it’s filled with glee….. others get close and lose their interest …’s just a box after all  looks good but a little pretentious …..this box is something special crafted from the finest of hands…. to divine to be transformed by man …but yet there is a crack in this box as if it had been dropped ….ready to shatter at any point because it’s been through …kept together by spiritual glue and now fear ….the fear of being dropped because it will shatter into a thousand pieces …..tears will fall if this box is opened with a pair of the wrong hands ……no one will catch these pieces need to put to put to put me back together again…… stumbling over words like I stumble into shit  shows of men and some women ……who find gratitude in  a drunken  mind….. and so we stumble over each-other and then call it lovers ……opening hearts just like that box with no intent to stay  and so we sway between what feels right sexually and what is needed for our own peace …..but even though we sway we are not dancing because no one will stay  no we just sway in our desires ………and now I have a crack from your carelessness with a combination of my recklessness ….code breaker heart take thief in the abyss…so now …that heart box just sit on a shelf to the left..,.everyone wonders and everyone has seen it in passing it’s color is black but once red as a rose petal the color of love but where has love gone???It finally shattered.                Delena Gray