
Chesterton\'s Donkey

When Chesterton penned his poem on the donkey he had more than the donkey in mind
In that great poem there are many lessons and in each line of it a lesson you\'ll find
His message was mainly to people for some people with their words can be cruel
And some people not unlike the donkey become subjects of ridicule.

Chesterton\'s donkey a biblical hero who travelled from Middle Eastern Village to Town
On his back the one whose fame is immortal the man who wore thorns for a crown
On the ground palms were stretched to greet them the donkey heard the cheers of the crowd
The donkey he too had his moment and the donkey he too could feel proud.

And yet in this the twenty first century for one to win many must lose
We judge people that we do not know yet we never walk in their shoes
We look down on those who are different in our own small ways we can be small
But we all started off life as babies and before we all walked we did crawl.

When Chesteron penned his great poem on the donkey he meant it as a message for all
Like the humblest like the humble donkey may one day feel proud and walk tall
For the loser is not always a loser and the favorite does not always win
And to suffer the ridicule of fools doesn\'t mean you are guilty of sin.