
Not a Merry Merry-go-round

Thoughts spinning

And ears still ringing

Like the equipment on a playground

Going fast on a merry-go-round

Spinning in circles

On a carousel 

It feels almost like hell

Mind racing like a car

Straight from NASCAR

Going a hundred miles per hour

Thoughts like a hurricane

Destructive and dangerous 

Falling from the sky like Icarus

Spinning faster and faster

I wonder if they finally stop

The day I finally drop

Maybe I’ll just have to  hope 

That on the day

i grab a rope

That everything will be okay

Thoughts going faster than trains

Spinning faster even, than stormy weather vanes

Thoughts gone 

Like the night before dawn

Deep and dark

Wild but not free 

Unlike a lark

High up in a tree

Its own little place of safety 

Mind going round and round

Am I even touching the ground?

Thoughts going so fast 

I got whiplashed

Now that i’m getting a bit a vertigo

it must be time to go

I’m starting to think 

That maybe

This merry go round mind of mine

Isn’t really as fine

As I’d like to make it out to be.