Gary Edward Geraci

Must Be Heavenly


heard the testimony

of a near death experience

on TV. She said she


was among sweet souls who

really, REALLY liked her. in

contrast, with earthly life,


she always felt diff’rent,

shunned, and hardly liked at all.

forget love for a sec,


will the heavenly souls,

really like me? I hope so.

in faith, I’d like to see


it so: “Lord and Savior,

(not as one, especially

cool, hippie, love guru),


I think there are enough

NDEs that at least a

few of them must be true,


I’m done idolizing

all the faults and sins of my

life; the actions of a


lad acting more like an

animal; not the loving soul

I’m created to be!”


imagine the one you

perceive as being least liked;

annoying, aloof, but


here in the afterlife,

souls are fast flocking to him,

genuinely liking


him, all to his delight,

your delight, and even more

your delight when you take


a corner and you meet

another group; souls relishing,

All for the likes of you!


Gary Edward Geraci