
Thank You

I know I was annoying
And it must\'ve been boring
Listening to all of my issues
You were my savior, my rescue
For me this writing is therapeutic
But you\'re the one who really helped me through it
Sorry for all the late nights calls and texts
I\'m sorry if I ever made you stressed
I didn\'t know what to do
But I didn\'t want to bother you
So I decided not to call you

I\'m sorry
That I made you worry
And sorry that I almost made you cry
Cause you thought I was gonna die
Take my own life
I was honestly ready to say goodbye
But that was only one incident
I know I was irritant
So I didn\'t bother you about the others
You told me that I could call you whenever
But I know that you have your own life
You were dealing with your own stress and anxiety
I know you were speaking to someone, possibly therapy
I just hope you know
That you saved my life
And for that I will be forever grateful
And forever thankful
Lately I\'ve been trying to figure this shit out on my own
Don\'t want to bother you
Since you have already helped me through
So much
You never judged
Like other people
I swear at some points I was going mental
But you helped me figure it out
Without a doubt
You were my biggest help
You don\'t know how much it means
For you to care
And talk me through all of this despair
I don\'t know what I would do
Without you in my life
You were my light
Through all this darkness
Through all this madness
And all this sadness
 So thank you
For everything