
Intoxicating Spell

In the hazy glow of a wine-filled night

I lay in a drowse, lost in the sea of my thoughts

Unaware of the fallen petals in my lap

So delicately placed by the gentle breeze


As I rose, still under the intoxicating spell

I noticed the absence of the chirping birds

And the dwindling numbers of my fellow revellers

The night air was cool against my flushed skin


Alone, I ventured along the moonlit river

The water glistened like a pathway of silver

Reflecting the celestial light above

I could hear the soft whispers of the breeze


The world around me was a masterpiece

A symphony of night creatures in harmony

I felt the solitude embrace my soul

As I walked, my mind clearer than before


In the tranquil embrace of the moonlight

I found a sense of peace and quiet reflection

The night was my companion, a silent confidant

And I was content in my solitude, at ease with myself


As the night waned on, the world seemed to awaken

The early morning light pierced through the darkness

And I made my way back to the wine party

A new sense of clarity and calm guiding me home. (\"Intoxicating Spell\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.