

I loved the way you smiled at me,

Then it had to fade, you made me feel betrayed .

but it’s okay , “I’m use to this”,

On the inside I  just wanted to run away ,with fear when I only wanted your Kiss!

when will everything be good? Seems like never, but in a blink of eye it could be gone forever .

I begged for your love and respect but I fell in the love with the Josh effect !

Then you say “sticks and stones may break my bones but calling names doesn’t hurt me” that is a wrong statement because in reality words do hurt , in fact they stick with you and take the best of you , its like catching a flu .

Every word that had been said it made me shread, made my heart  feel dead and most definitely made the world turn red.

All I ever expected from you was kind words , and a good loving heart. But no it’s hurt, crying ,arguments , nasty words. It wasn’t like this from the start.