
I Want To Go Back.

There I was in this place,

I looked around and beauty was seen.

The sun shone gently down,

White clouds floated by,

Nature’s symphony was heard.

Laughter from people abounded,

As we passed each other we smiled,

We chatted and we laughed.

All helped each other

And no price was paid.

Love for our world abounded

And there were never any arguments,

We all wanted to help each other

In this wonderful life we had earned,

To give love and respect to all.

A place that was like heaven,

The heaven of love and peace.

But then I opened a door

And woke up from my dream

Into this world,

This world of so much hate and disrespect,

A world full of politicians

Who lie through their teeth

Thinking they know best,

But they just want for themselves

And do not care for others.

I want to go back to that place,

Back to the place of my dreams.