Soman Ragavan

The \"Jabeda\" ; 11 February, 2024

Posted on 11 February, 2024





(2)        On this poem the following may be referred to :  “Mobilisation des épouses de pêcheurs sur les bancs.” “Le MAURICIEN” newspaper, Mauritius, 14 December, 1999, (page 6).







Thou were stopp\'d, thou were fined :

After thee have we so much pined;

Thou sail\'d the seas, thou fend\'d the waves :

Now repos\'st thou in the deep, silent caves.


Jabeda, wherefrom came thy name, it matters not :

For them lot, from the cold depths be thou hot ;

Even from the watery caves near the rock

Full well shalt the world of thee take stock.


Thou bait\'d the fish, thou nett\'d the fish :

Atop the waves thou bounc\'d and danc\'d :

Across our waters for long thou pranc\'d :

Now for the occupiers be thou a bitter dish.


Even if under the waves thy entrails rust and melt,

From far off thy thundering memory shalt be felt;

“JABEDA” they call\'d thee : immortal be thy name :

Immortalis\'d by the poet, thou rul’st in lasting fame.


The offshore species, so well protect\'d yonder,

The migratory stock, so dear to the Commission,

All shalt converge into thy entrails for dinner :

We watch many faces turn rather vermilion ....


The currents shalt fan out from thy ruins,

To remind the grabbers of their sins ;

Inside thee the tasty fish shalt get fatten\'d :

\'Pon the looters’ plates then to be loosen\'d.


The looters robb\'d us of our lands, of our waters :

They kidnapp\'d our poor brothers and sisters :

But, the fish, the ruins, to them shalt be reminders

That they shalt face everywhere the islanders.


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