
A Story

I think about odd things that people have done, including myself. I might have told this story before, but I will repeat it.
When I was fifteen and lived in Salina, Kansas, I went to the library to apply for an adult library card.
A warm summer day, and a busy day for that library. People read books a lot back then. That was our version of the computer.
However, books and libraries are not what concerned me about that day.
I scared a young lady, similar in age to me, out of her mind. I did not do it intentionally. I don\'t know why I did what I did. This is what happened—an urge came over me to speak to her because I had the overwhelming feeling that I knew her.
I blurted out to her, \"I know you! I know you!\"
In that moment, I truly felt she was someone I knew.
Poor girl. She ran off shouting, \"No! No!\"
I stood there, wondering why I had said what I had to her.
She probably won\'t read this. Wherever she is, whether here or in the next world, I wish I could apologize.
I meant nothing by saying what I did. It still puzzles me that I felt so strongly that I knew her.