


In the realm of whispers, silence reigns supreme,
A tranquil haven where dreams softly gleam.
Beneath the canopy of stillness, words dissolve,
In the gentle embrace where solace evolves.

Silence, the symphony of unspoken grace,
In its depths, souls find a sacred space.
Amidst the chaos, it holds profound power,
A tranquil refuge in every hour.

In the quietude, secrets gently unfold,
Revealing truths that words cannot hold.
A language of the heart, it speaks volumes untold,
In the hush of twilight, its mysteries enfold.

In the void of noise, wisdom is found,
In the silence, echoes of peace resound.
It whispers tales of serenity and rest,
Cradling weary souls on its gentle breast.

Silence, the canvas where thoughts take flight,
In its embrace, souls find respite.
In the symphony of stillness, hearts entwine,
Finding solace in the quiet divine.