

Looking at these flowers I feel you,

As the flower’s blossoms,

It’s the same way that our love blossoms towards the best.


These flowers, you\'ve gifted me, Mi Amor,

They signify the promise and faith you hold in me.


I see that you love me, yet I love you more,

I see that you care for me, and I wish to do more for you,

I see that you long for time with me yet I long for eternity with you.


My soul, you are my heaven on the earth,

You are my earthly angel who transformed this hell into paradise for me,

And I love you for that.


Sweetheart, thank you for choosing me as your valentine,

As I have agreed to be your valentine and I enjoyed this day with you,

This showed me that I wish to be more than that.


I want to love you, be your love, your go to and your life partner.

And I can’t wait for the time when I will be yours for life.

I love you, Mi Alma.