
A Bull\'s Rage

The DEA officer came to inspect
Our farm, for drugs he had a quest
I warned him not to enter the field
But he dismissed my words and refused to yield

Arrogant and proud, he flashed his badge
Claiming authority to trespass without adage
But as he ventured into the forbidden land
He encountered a danger he couldn’t withstand

A bull, big and mean, charged at full speed
The officer panicked, realizing his greed
For power and control had led him astray
As the bull closed in, he had to find a way

To escape the wrath of the angry beast
Who cared not for authority, but only to feast
On the fear in the officer’s eyes
As he ran for his life, amidst terrified cries

I watched from afar, feeling a twinge of glee
For the officer had learned a lesson, you see
That even with a badge and the government’s might
Nature’s power cannot be challenged in a fight.

So, as the bull closed in, I yelled with all my might
“Show him your badge, it might save you tonight!”
But the officer heard not, as fear gripped his soul
And the bull’s rage took its toll.

In the end, the officer escaped with his life
But humility and fear cut through like a knife
For he learned that on the farm, respect is the key
And even with a badge, nature reigns free.  So, respect the land and its creatures, with all your might
For in the end, they hold the true power and the right. (\"The Bull\'s Rage\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.