
Two words Ten Letters

Two Words & Ten Letters

Our friendship is long past  the pilot episode 

The soul that resides inside me understands you

The friend inside my residing soul cares for you

My ears eager to feel each mental bee stinger that is stuck  

Release each stuck stinger one by one

Your mind will ache for a couple seconds 

Only to feel the relief of one less question 

We’re quite, hurt, confused 

Many stingers pulled out by you

With each other our tongues flap until sun fall

Each others “Human Diary” that\'s all

With you the stuckest of stingers are easy to pull out

You oil my mouth so the words can flow out

Semaj the way our souls align keeps me together

You hear me out like no one ever before 

You listen to me when all my feelings are ready to pour

 When we sit down in those chairs

Our voices never collide 

Making me think you’ll always be by my side 

No matter the topic I can forever share 

The stingers that are stuck below my hair

Listening to all words said by us

Two chairs that know each person who hurt us

I sit in the left chair while you sit in the right 

I just want my thoughts to quit so I can be alright

When I say we\'re each other “Human Diaries” Semaj

I mean that for life