
Random Thoughts

It feels like I’m dead inside

With these voices telling me to commit suicide

But I don’t want to die

I just want to get relief

From this misery

That’s inside of me

It’s making me dizzy

Or maybe I’m going crazy

Just maybe

I probably need therapy

Don’t lecture me

I know I have problems

I always feel like I’m at the bottom

Can’t get up

Always putting myself down

These voices keep going around

In my mind, in my mind

I only think about my past

Keep being harassed

By these dangerous voices

Making all these bad choices

Always listening to them

Don’t know what I have become

They’re controlling my life

Can’t wait for the afterlife

I’m so confused

Why are you amused?

By my failures and flaws

But you never seem to notice my success

I never express

My feelings

You will never know the things

That I have been through

So stop saying I have a perfect life

So don’t try to lecture me

Telling me that my life is perfect

I always feel worthless

What the hell do you expect

When you are always told you are useless

You are so clueless

You know nothing about me