
The Rhythm of the Heart

A walk along the rhythm of a heart,

instead of the intellect so wise.

Sometimes, it does feel awkward

to refashion some social ties.


The splendour of the feelings

often faces a tragedy of emotions.

They love flowing unattached

but get lost in the maze of notions.


The world believes in notions

that train us to suppress emotions.

We do it all the time, people say,

not at all a difficult proposition.


Unsurity and fear make us take

a wavering step, that\'s not bold.

Like the fear of a social opinion

can make a warm heart go cold.


Rationality seems to belie feelings,

and the wise don\'t like to gamble.

Logic too seems as an antidote

the masses prefer social preamble.


Adventurers don\'t care for the comfort

or familiarity of a predictable life.

Who dares flout the social rules

people quickly tag them as fools.


One not willing to face oneself

and to take a stand that\'s true,

Feelings that we tend to suppress,

keep following up, causing stress.


Either it could be an inspiration

or just some random permutations,

invoking thoughts that make us feel,

we are humans not robots of steel.


Blessed are the moments that feel

like the rising swell of an ocean,

Even without having an eyeful

some expand to become a skyful.


Emotions that we keep at bay,

we have to face them one day.

So let them flow along the way

without being attached to the play.