
The Truth Of This Magnitude


The Truth Of This Magnitude”


Obstinate defiance from an indignant child

Consummate reliance on the spirit of the Wild


Intricate compositions of meticulous art

A syndicate of derision that is waiting to depart


The honorary commemoration of a Hero lost at War

The solitary consideration about what all of this is for


A humble genius rejecting his own creative work

The trite and tedious inflections of a boring office clerk


The shameful displays of disingenuous regard for the underpriveledged and the forlorn

The masterful plays of over-strenuous facade that the elite contrive and callously pretend to warn


A defamatory accusation upon a man of high integrity

An unsanitary conversation about human rights and credibility


A violent intrusive action amidst a protest organised in Peace

The silent abusive lack of reaction to the crimes committed by the Holy Priests


The arrogance of opulence that insults the dignity of the poor

The inference of common sense that propagandist instigators fundamentally abhor


The contemptuous disregard for the right to basic human needs

The tempestuous barrage of corporate desperation and greed


A hollowed out perspective devoid of ethical foundation

The followed criminal and detective annoyed by potential dual incrimination


The strength of the resistance slowly forming underground

The length of the insistence to adhere to the truth and the profound


The elements of grandeur that arise from true nobility

The recompense of the by-stander as he assumes sincere responsibility


An instance grasped by desperate hands to hold onto the remnants of a life

The insistence that lasts commensurate stands of bold inclinations to fight


The pertinence of an insight shared by two men crossing a border

The impermanence of great heights achieved by the existing Global Order


The confluence of two commercial entities hyper-economically engaged in merging

The influence of redundant celebrities on societal distortions that are constantly emerging


A shattering of perception no longer based on objective consideration

The battering and rejection of opinions that hold corrective condemnations


A time in history devoid of clarity, of precision, truth and insight

A refined mystery surrounding the gravity of divine visions of what is true and what is right


A lonely man bereft of the willpower and vital impetus to continue

The only concept left to just accept in the final hour to bring his sin to


And the magnitude of this devastation that transcends across all lands

Brings gratitude for the consideration that befriends the loss and grief and the demands


While humanities continuation is dependent on so many critical intricate factors

The calamities and abominations mark the traits of the global wealth distribution and benefactors


The division and corruption and the abject abuse of power

Distort the clarity of true vision and reject the urgency of these final hours


Misinformation, misdirection, and misinterpretation of the truth

Discrimination and disinfection as dark reverberations confuse the youth


Apocalyptic visions from the Earth erupting in spontaneous infernos

Hyper-cryptic musical compositions imploding in contemporaneous concertos


Anaphylactic shock of an entire nation as meritocracy is paralysed by genocide

Emphatic knocks and mass sedation as powerful democracies lay there unresponsive, discredited and systemically sterilised


Disbelief at the repetitive historical behaviour of mankind

Inherent grief that ignored imperatives and constant failures are leaving hope for humanity behind


Annihilation of the decency to respect the dignity of every single human life

Manipulation of the frequency as they inject malignancy into the new definitions of what is right


A resurrection of virtue and human decency must prevail above the fall of this civilisation

An insurrection of integrity must peacefully unveil the new transfigurations


And an uprising of good must now prevail across this dissemination of an Age

Comprising of what a revolution should to give the next generation the possibility of a future for man kinds next delicate stage


The End

Copyright Elizabeth Moroz 2024